AAUP Office has relocated

We are now located in U-Square between Chase Bank and Target.  We do not yet have data or telephones, but if you call the office you can leave a voicemail which we can respond to, or email us at aaupuc1@ucmail.uc.edu.  We do not yet have the capability of letting people in remotely, so it is best to make an appointment before stopping by.

Inside the building, our office is on the third floor between the  Faculty Senate and Gender, Equity and Inclusion offices.

UC Chapter AAUP
225 Calhoun Street, STE 304
Cincinnati OH 45219
ML 0176

Fighting Political Interference in Higher Ed: Lessons Learned in Ohio and Texas

AAUP Presents:  Fighting Political Interference in Higher Ed:  Lessons Learned in Ohio and Texas


From Florida to Texas to Ohio to Indiana politicians in some states are trying to substitute their own ideological beliefs for educational freedom by passing legislation that interferes with how colleges and universities operate. They’re introducing bills that  mandate or prohibit content in the classroom, empower partisan political appointees to determine campus policy, limit the freedom to learn, teach, and conduct research.

In this episode we look at member-led efforts to fight legislative interference in Texas and Ohio, specifically pushing back against bills targeting diversity equity and inclusion programs, tenure, and collective bargaining. We talk about each campaigns successes, failures, and the lessons learned.

The guests are Karma R. Chávez, the Bobby and Sherri Patton Professor and Chair in the Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, where she also serves on the executive committee of the AAUP chapter, and Sara Kilpatrick, the AAUP Ohio Conference Executive Director. She previously worked as the political director for the Ohio Senate Democratic Caucus. The episode is hosted by Mariah Quinn, AAUP’s digital organizer.
