The University of Cincinnati Chapter of the American Association of University Professors announces the award of a scholarship for the 2019-20 academic year. The amount of the award is $2000. Eligible nominees include any U.C. undergraduate at the level of Junior or above, who will be a full-time student at the University of Cincinnati for the academic year 2019-20. Students can be nominated by any AAUP Bargaining Unit faculty member.
The Paradise Scholarship celebrates a partnership in life and law. James Paradise was the legal counsel of the UC AAUP through five years and three collective bargaining agreements. His expert knowledge of labor law was schooled by ten years as a National Labor Relations Board trial examiner and a General Counsel of the Brewery Workers International Union. His commitment to academic freedom was demonstrated by his tenure as President and board member of the American Civil Liberties Union. Charlotte Paradise was a teacher, an active member of the Cincinnati Women’s City Club, and her husband’s legal secretary for more than a decade. Their careers and civic activities exemplify the excellence which the scholarship is intended to reward.
Nominees should have good academic records that evidence an ability to do serious study and a willingness to accept challenges. Equally important, however, will be evidence that, in life outside the classroom, the student exemplifies the unselfish commitment to community service, concern for others, and willingness to defend human rights and civil liberties that characterized the lives of James and Charlotte Paradise. Activities that are undertaken as part of membership in social or fraternal organizations will not be taken into consideration for the Paradise Award.
If you know a University of Cincinnati undergraduate whose life displays these qualities, please nominate by sending his or her name, address, telephone number and email address to the campus office of the AAUP:
We will contact all nominees with instructions for applying after the nomination period ends.
PRESENTATION: APRIL 11, 2019 AAUP Chapter Meeting.