Media Training
The Associates Council will be hosting a media training on talking to reporters and utilizing social media on March 3rd, 12:30 p.m. at the Faculty Research Center at Langsam Library on the uptown west campus. Please contact for more information and to RSVP.
Budgets Are a Reflection of Values
A good article from Inside Higher Education on UC’s budget and the student-produced Boldly Bankrupt website.
‘Utterly ridiculous’: Budget woes at UC’s largest college led to dean’s exit, $0 budget line, he says
Great article by the Cincinnati Enquirer’s Max Londberg and great work by AAUP-UC’s Budget and Compensation Chair Amber Peplow
.Click HERE for the full article.
Join the Fight for 51%
Watch the video on Performance Based Budgeting and then join the Fight for 51% campaign today.
Click here to receive more information and campaign material.