Yesterday, the AAUP-UC Chapter received a request from the Administration to engage in formal discussions—including the exploration of potential contractual means—to address the financial crisis facing UC.
Re-opening the Collective Bargaining Agreement as part of UC’s response to the COVID-19 budget crisis is not required. In considering the Administration’s request, the AAUP-UC Executive Council will be seeking feedback from the Bargaining Unit, a conversation that will begin with the 3rd Town Hall scheduled for Thursday, June 11th at 10:00 a.m. A zoom invitation for this Town Hall will be sent to all AAUP-UC Bargaining Unit members.
As a reminder, AAUP-UC and the Faculty Senate have convened a Joint Committee to collect data and propose solutions to the financial challenges facing the university. Specifically, the Joint Committee has been tasked with:
- fully understanding the implications of UC’s financial crisis;
- identifying solutions; and
- advocating for the core educational and research mission of the university.
All of AAUP-UC’s actions, as well as the actions of the Joint Committee, are designed to preserve the University’s core academic mission. This includes working in solidarity with adjunct faculty and the staff members who are critical to this mission.
The Joint Committee will provide an update at the Town Hall.
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
In solidarity,
Connie Kendall Theado
President, AAUP-UC